Saturday, April 3, 2010

...What I WANT to Be....

Please someone tell me,
What I want to be,
A part of me yearns,
To be left alone,
Away from the worldly chaos,
To some blissful place,
With only my soul,
To care.
Another part is,
Not what I want.
The boundless wind,
Flowing with Charm.
Never left alone,
Bcoz of leaves,
It carries along.
All I need is my,
Soul to Talk with,
All I need is my,
Soul to Walk with.

....Into The Dark Night....

Its around 1'o clock midnight,
After a tough day,
I was off my mind.
The world around me seemed,
To have stopped living,
With a beating Heart,
So I stepped into,
Another life.
The virtual world,
Where you could find,
People alike,
More over cry ,
In plain black & White text in reply.
I was roaming about virtually,
Then suddenly I ran into someone,
It was like being in an old dreamy castle,
Which was always around,
But no one bothered to peep in,
To find out what lies there within.
And oneday you wonder in,
To see if there is something in,
That can occupy your brain.
I went in and explored,
And felt like,
I have been there before.
Everything there seemed familiar,
That was what made it,
Even more peculiar.
I wondered in that world,
For quite sometime,
The illusionary happiness,
Was so much addictive,
That it was hard,
To get back to real life.
I wished to have explored,
That castle before,
So that I could have,
Known it even more.
But illusionary happiness,
Is like fluttering butterfly,
In your hand,
You blink & let your fingers slip,
And it will vanish in air,
Till you have opened your eyes back,
Into dark,peaceful,lonely Night.

P.S-For my cc nocturnal frnd.........:)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Youth and the UNCERTAINITIES..

Ever since we were born,
Everyday somethings have changed,
Your knowledge increased,
You learned how to live,
You grew to find realities of life,
But one thing always laid inert,
Was the uncertaininty of what waited ahead.
The schools are done ,
With the uncertainity of college,
The college is done ,
With the uncertainity of job,
The job is done,
With the uncertainity of fulfilling life,
Life is lived,
With the uncertainity of death.
But from where did this uncertainity got its grip?
I ponder....
Ah,its all about Your life.
Its all about Your choices.
Its all about Your aspirations.
Please somebody not pave them away.
Your trueself may be buried away,
But you have in you,
The power to become YOU.
Follow your dream,
Follow your heart.
You and this world,
May be what ,
Wind and Vaccum are.
You have in you the potential,
That is bound to unleash.
World please just let them THINK.
Save your guidance when they,
Lurk from their Chosen paths.
Uncertainity is when,
You think about world,
The protocol they follow,
Go off track,
You may be uncertain,
But who knows its the path that ,
May lead to your,
True certain self ?

P.S. -poem given fr 5th pillar on spot poetry writing competition.